What is the value of Miami Table Tent Printing? By printing Table Tents in Miami, you make sure your customers know what’s available, without having to deal with the large up front cost of re-printing all your menus, or making your servers waste time (for which you’ll have to bring them from tipped wage to minimum wage, which costs even more!) putting sticky notes or inserts in menus.
For every table tent you print and put on a table, you could increase your average check by $10.95. On every single table. Do the math on a cocktail napkin – $10.95 times the number of tables you seat in a night. Times the number of nights you’re open. You’ll find a drastic increase in revenue without having to make a continual outlay. Once you’ve printed table tents in Miami, you can set and forget without added cost. The additional sales you’ll make as a result of Table Tent Printing don’t cost you any more in labor, either – the server is already back and forth to the table, additional food items won’t raise your labor costs.
Upselling with Table Tent Printing helps keep your staff happier, too! With the increase in average check, tips will go up accordingly. You make more money by utilizing Table Tent Printing. Your servers make more money with Table Tent Printing. Even your employees who get tipped out by the servers at the end of the night, bussers and bartenders, make more money. Your turnover is lower and your employees are happier. Happy employees don’t ask for expensive concessions, because there’s no reason to ask for more than what they’re getting in tips. Bu taking advantage of Print Farm’s Miami Table Tent Printing Specials, you make more money, reduce costs, and even reduce the overhead involved in your human resources!
Contact Print Farm today to see how Table Tent Printing Specials in Miami is an investment you can’t afford not to make!