Why choose digital printing from Print Farm?
Many people don’t understand the advantages of Miami digital printing, so we’d like to take a few posts and discuss them briefly, to help clear up some misunderstandings.
One of the things that makes Print Farm an excellent partner for your commercial printing in Miami is our access to all types of printing technologies and our expert assistance in choosing the right ones for your needs. Sometimes, the latest and coolest concepts in printing are appropriate to save you money, get a better response rate, or otherwise improve your ROI. Other times, you just need something printed as quickly and efficiently as possible, and there are solutions for that as well.
One of the primary advantages of digital printing is its speed.
24 hour digital printing is something you just can’t make happen with any other printing technology. This speed comes from the ability to go directly from image file to press, with no intermediate steps. By doing so, you ensure that the file you submit is exactly what gets printed, and what you expect to receive is what you actually receive.
By way of example, digital printing enables 24 hour turnaround on posters,
allowing you to plan an event in a short timeframe, or to quickly spin up a new promotion for your business. It’s not limited to posters, though. Anything can be printed with digital printing, in nearly any size, quantity, or color scheme. Have you been paying for traditional offset printing with additional steps between your design and the final product? While that may be an appropriate service for some needs, it’s generally better for gigantic runs of the exact same piece. If, for example, your business has two locations and you want flyers or brochures for both, offset printing isn’t the ideal solution because you need two smaller runs with a different address and phone printed on each, rather than one large run. Digital printing enables you to do this cost-effectively without sacrificing quality!